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It is written as follows in the ninety-eighth letter of Maktûbât:

“Rasûlullah (sall-Allâhu alaihi wa sallam) said: ‘Allâhu ta’âlâ is Rafîq (The Exalter). He likes mildness. He gives to mild people what he Has not given to the harsh ones or to anyone else.’ This tradition (hadith ash-sherîf) is written in the tradition book Sahîh by Imâm-i Muslim.

Again in Muslim, [the Prophet] said to Hadrat Âisha (radAllâhu ’anhâ) his blessed wife: ‘Behave mildly. Refrain from severity and from something repulsive! Mildness adorns a person and takes ugliness away.’

A hadith ash-sherîf [in the book Muslim] declares: ‘He who doesn’t act mildly has not done any good.’

A hadith ash-sherîf [in the book Bukhârî] declares: ‘Whom I like best among you is the one with the most beautiful temperament.’

A hadith ash-sherîf [conveyed by Imam-i Ahmad and Tirmuzî (rahima-humullâhu ta’âlâ)declares: ‘A person who is given mildness is given goodness in this and in the next world.’

A hadith ash-sherîf [communicated by Imam-i Ahmad,Tirmuzî, Hâkim and Bukhârî (rahima-humullâhu ta’âlâ)] declares: ‘Hayâ (bashfulness) comes from îmân. A person with îmân is in Paradise. Fuhsh (an indecent act) is evil. Evildoers are in Hell.”

A hadith ash-sherîf [communicated by Imam-i Ahmad and Tirmuzî] declares: ‘I’m describing the person for whom it is harâm (forbidden) to enter Hell and who is harâm for Hell to burn: Pay attention! This person shows easiness and mildness towards people’.