One day Ibrâhîm ‘’alaihis-salâm’ prayed as follows: “Al-hamd-u-li-l-lâhi qabla kulli ahad, wa-l-hamd-u-li-l-lâhi ba’da kulli ahad, al-hamd-u-li-l-lâhi ’alâ kulli hâl.”
Hadrat Haqq ta’âlâ stated: “Yâ Jebrâ’îl! Extend My salâm to My friend. He has uttered those three expressions three times. And I, the ’adhîm-ush-shân, have given him thawâb as I would have if he had performed forty accepted nâfila (supererogatory) hajjes (Muslims’ pilgrimages). If a person says this prayer, I shall bestow on them the same thawâb.” A prayer said by Hadrat Enes: “Bismillâhilledhî lâ yedurru ma’asmihi shey’un fi-l-erdi wa lâ fi-ssemâ’ wa Huwa-s-semî’ul ’alîm.” This prayer is said three times in the morning and that number of times in the evening, beginning with the Basmala each time. It will protect you against a number of adversities.
Whenever you sneeze, say, “Al-hamd-u-lillâh,” thereafter! Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ stated: “If person says, ‘Al-hamd-u-lillâh,’ after a sneeze, Haqq ta’âlâ will protect that person against seventy kinds of adversities. If a person says four words a hundred times in the morning and the same number of times in the evening, there will not be another person more beloved than that person in the presence of Haqq ta’âlâ.” This fact was stated by the Sultân-i-Enbiyâ ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ in its quoted entirety. Here are the four words: “Subhânallâhi wa-lhamd-u-li-llâhi wa lâ ilâha il-l-Allâhu wa-l-lâhu ekber.” Hamd means to believe that all sorts of blessings are created and sent (to us) by Allâhu ta’âlâ, and to state this fact.
Another prayer that yields very great virtues and and grades and which is extremely valuable in the view of Jenâb-i-Haqq is this: “Subhânallâhi wa bi hamdihi subhânallâh-il-’adhîm.” This prayer must be said a hundred times daily.