It is written in the book Kimyâ-yi Sa’âdat, “Hadrat Abû Sa’id-i Khudrî ‘radiy-Allâhu ta’âlâ anh’ said: Rasûlullah would give grass to an animal. He would fasten a camel. He would sweep inside his house. He would milk the sheep. He would repair a hole in his shoes. He would patch his underwears. He would eat with his servant. When his servant got tired of grinding with small millstones, he would help him. He would go shopping and bring what he had bought in a sack to his home. When he met somebody, he would be the first to greet, whether the other was poor or rich, young or old. He, first, would hold out his blessed hand when he wanted to shake hands. He held the servant, the master, the black and the white as equal. He would go wherever he was invited, no matter who invited him.
He would not despise what was put in front of him to eat, even if it were only a little. He would not reserve meals from evening to morning or from morning to evening. He was good-natured. He liked to do favours. He established friendly relations with everybody. He was affable and he spoke pleasantly. He wouldn’t grin as he spoke. He would look sorry, but he would not frown. He was modest, but he was not low-natured. He was majestic; that is, he would inspire respect and awe. But he was not nasty. He was polite. He was generous, but he would not waste, nor would he give anything in vain. He used to pity everybody. He always bent his blessed head forward. He would not expect anything from anybody. He who wants happiness and ease should be like him.”