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O Muslim! If you wish to attain the grace of Allâhu ta’âlâ and your acts of worship to be accepted, inscribe the hadîth-i-sherîfs quoted above in your heart! Do not attack anyone’s property, life, or chastity. Muslims and non-Muslims alike! Do not hurt anyone! Pay people their rights! It is one of the rights of quls for a man to pay ‘mahr’[1] to the woman he has divorced. If he does not pay it, he will deserve vehement punishment both in the world and in the Hereafter. The most important one of the rights of quls, (i.e. rights of human beings and other creatures,) which therefore incurs the severest torment (when violated), is to cease teaching Islam to one’s kinsfolk, especially if they are under one’s care and protection. If a person prevents them and other people from learning Islam and from practising their acts of worship by way of persecution and deceit, it will be concluded that that person is an unbeliever, an enemy of Islam. An example of this irreligious attitude is to attempt to pollute the teachings of Ahl as-Sunnat and thereby to defile the Islamic religion, a strategy pursued by holders of bid’at and by people without a certain Madhhab by making subversive statements and writing seditious articles. Do not stand against the government or against laws. Pay your taxes. That it is a sinful behaviour to revolt against the government, be it a cruel and or fasiq one, is written in the book entitled Berîqa, (which was written by Muhammad bin Mustafâ Hâdimî ‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaih’, d. 1176 [1762 A.D.], Hâdim, Konya, Turkey.) Even if you are in the dâr-ul-harb, i.e. in one of the countries of disbelievers, do not violate their laws and mandates! Do not arouse fitna! Do not make friends with people who attack Islam, with holders of bid’at, or with people who are not in one of the four Madhhabs! Do not read their books or newspapers! Do not let their radio and television programs enter your homes! Perform Amr-i-ma’rûf, (i.e. teach Islam,) to people who will listen to you! In other words, give them advice with a smile and sweet words! With your beautiful moral behaviour, show the grandeur and honour of the Islamic religion to all people around you!