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Allâhu ta’âlâ made man from lifeless substances and a soul. Man had never existed theretofore. Animals, plants, genies, angels had been created before that earliest man. That first man was named ’Âdam (Adam) ‘’alaihis-salât-u-wa-s-salâm’. And from him He, (i.e. Allâhu ta’âlâ,) created a woman. From these two did the entire mankind multiply. We see that all things, living and lifeless ones alike, are changing. Something eternal would never change. In physical events, states and forms of substances are changing. Yet chemical reactions change their essence and nature. Substances are ceasing to exist, while other substances are coming into existence. In nuclear events, on the other hand, even elements disappear into energy. This process of all things’ coming into being from one another can not be an eternal process without a beginning. They have to have issued from the earliest substances created from nothing. For, eternal means without a beginning.