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As it is possible to see with the heart’s eye any grade that is smeared with worship and worshipping; by the same token, such grades are attainable. The true rank of being worshipped, however, is impossible to attain. Paths of Tasawwuf cannot carry a person to that rank. But, hamd (praise and gratitude) be to Allâhu ta’âlâ, they have not deprived (this faqîr, Imâm Rabbânî ‘quddisa sirruh’) of being shown there. They have let (me see) as much (of that rank) as possible, depending on (my) capabilities and talents. The (unknown) voice that commanded, “Stop, yâ Muhammad!” on the night of Mi’râj, was perhaps because above that true grade is the rank of ‘wujûd (existence)’. It is the rank of tejerrud (or tajarrud) and tenezzuh (or tanazzuh) for the Dhât-i-ilâhî. There is no way to that rank. The haqîqat (true essence) of the kalima-itayyiba, “Lâ ilâha il-l-Allah,” is at this rank, which contains the true fact that concocted ma’bûds will not be worshipped. It is at this rank that the true Ma’bûd is the only Being worthy of being worshipped, and that there is none else, is truely and actually proved. It is there that the exactly clear-cut difference between being an ’âbid (worshipper) and being the ma’bûd (one that is worshipped) becomes manifest, so that the ’âbid becomes definitely distinguished from the ma’bûd. Those who attain the final grade attain the knowledge expressed in the statement, “Lâ ilâha il-l-Allah (There is no ma’bûd other than Allâhu ta’âlâ),” which is the true essence of Islam’s teaching.