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Understanding the meanings of the mutashâbihât in the Holy Books of Allâhu ta’âlâ is something that can be done only by Prophets ‘’alaihim-us-salawât-u-wa-t-teslîmât’. They may have let very few of their Ummats taste a mouthful of this knowledge since those fortunate people have been honoured with being their inheritors and as a reward for their fully adapting themselves to Prophets. For those fortunate people also they may raise the curtain covering the face of that beauty, (even) in this world. It is hoped that after the Rising many another person among their Ummats will be blessed with this greatest fortune as a reward for their obedience to their Prophets. To my understanding, even in this world Believers in addition to the very few most fortunate ones will be honoured with that great fortune. Yet those people will not know the inner essence of the matter because the (inner) meanings will not be revealed to them. Those people will explainthe mutashâbihât with their true meanings, although they will not know what those meanings are. The mutashâbihât are the signs showing the treatments and states. Those people may experience those states. Yet they will not be let to know what those states are. We have been observing those states being experienced by one of the people we love. It is up to you to use your imagination concerning the others. This question of yours has opened the door to hopes. Yâ Rabbî! Please add to our nûr, which Thou hast so kindly bestowed on us! Please cover our sins and faults! Thou canst do all! I send my salâm (salutation, greeting).