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A namâz that has been performed within its dictated time yields very many virtues. Some of them have been stated (by Islamic savants):

1– Its first virtue is that the performer’s face will become nûr all over.

2– The performer’s life will have barakât.

3– Benedictions pronounced by the performer will be accepted (by Allâhu ta’âlâ).

4– The performer will become a person with khayr.

5– The performer will be beloved to all Believers.

Omitting a namâz without any ’udhr, i.e. performing it after its dictated time without any excuse sanctioned by Islam to do so, causes fifteen harms. Five of these harms are in the world; three of them are at the time of death; three of them are in grave; and four of them are at the place of Arasât.

Its five harms in the world are:

1– There will be no nûr on that person’s face.

2– There will be no barakât in his life.

3– His prayers and benedictions will not be accepted.

4– Blessings that he invokes on a Muslim brother will not be accepted (by Allâhu ta’âlâ).

5– He will not receive any thawâb for his other acts of worship.