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A person’s work representing the Beloved’s Work is, like the Beloved’s Work, endearing and sweet to the lover. Therefore, that person also becomes beloved for the lover. Amazing to say, the greater the pain and torture that person inflicts on the lover, the sweeter they come to the lover. For, the tortures inflicted by him show that the Beloved is like an enemy. The doings of those who have gone out of their minds in this way are beyond mind’s grasp. In summary, to retort upon that person, or to loathe him, is repugnant with loving the Beloved. For, that person is like a mirror reflecting the Beloved’s Deeds. Those who disturb and hurt us seem more lovable than others. Tell our brothers and friends! They must not be sorry or worried about us. They must not loathe those who hurt us. And they must not hurt them! (On the contrary), it will be quite right if they are happy about what those people have been doing. Yes, we have been commanded to pray. Allâhu ta’âlâ likes those who pray, who hang their heads before Him, who beg and invoke Him. Such behaviour pleases Him. Pray for the dispelling of the pestilence and trouble! Beg for forgiveness and good health!