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Istighâtha’ is­ what­ the­ Wahhâbîs ­oppose­ most:­ ‘to­ ask­ help ­or protection­ of­ someone­ other­ than­ Allâhu­ ta’âlâ,’­ which­ they­ call polytheism.­ In­ fact,­ as­ all­ Muslims­ know,­ true­ istighâtha­ is­ only from­ Allâhu­ ta’âlâ. ­However,­ it­ is­ permissible ­to ­say­ metaphorically that­ one­ can­ do­ istighâtha­ from­ someone,­ for,­ it­ is­ declared­ in­ the 15th­ âyat ­of ­Sûrat ­al-Qassass: ­“People of his tribe did istighâtha from him against the enemy.” A­ hadîth ­sherîf ­says: ­“They will do istighâtha from Âdam ‘alaihis-salâm’­ at the place of the Mahshar.” A­ hadîth ­sherîf ­quoted­ in ­al-Hisn al-hasîn, says: ­“He who needs help should say, ‘O Allâhu ta’âlâ’s slaves! Help me!’ ” This­ hadîth sherîf­ commands­ us­ to­ call­ for­ help­ from­ someone­ not­ near­ us.” Translation­ from­ the­ book ­al-Usûl-ul-arba’a ends­ here.

[Every­ word ­has ­a­ distinguishable ­meaning,­ which ­is ­called ­the real ­meaning­ of ­that­ word.­ The­ word­ will ­be ­called ­majâz when ­it is ­not ­used ­in ­its ­real ­meaning ­but ­in ­any­other ­meaning ­which ­can be­ related­ to­ it.­ When­ a­ word­ special­ to­ Allâhu­ ta’âlâ­ is­ used­ as majâz for ­human­ beings,­ Wahhâbî­ people­ will ­think­ that ­the ­word is­ being­ used­ in­ its­ real­ meaning.­ So,­ they­ will­ call­ a­ person­ who uses­ the ­word ­mushriq, ­or ­kâfir.­ But ­they­ should ­pay ­attention ­to the­ fact ­that ­these­ words­ are­ used­ as­ majâz in ­âyats ­and­ hadîth-i sherîfs­ for ­human­ beings.]