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Hûd ‘’alaihis-salâm’ was sent to the ’Âd tribe, Sâlih ‘’alaihissalâm’ to the Thamûd tribe, and Mûsâ ‘’alaihis-salâm’ was sent to Benî Isrâ’îl. Also Hârûn, Dâwûd, Sulaimân, Zakariyyâ and Yahyâ ‘’alaihimu-s-salâm’ were sent to Benî Isrâ’îl. Yet none of them brought a new religion; they invited Benî Isrâ’îl to Mûsâ’s ‘’alaihis-salâm’ religion. Although the Zabûr was sent to Dâwûd ‘’alaihis-salâm’, it did not have commandments, rules or ’ibâdât. It was full of sermons and advice. Therefore, it did not abrogate or invalidate the Torah but emphasized it, and that is why the religion (dispensation) of Mûsâ ‘’alaihis-salâm’ lasted up to the time of ’Îsâ ‘’alaihis-salâm’. When ’Îsâ ‘’alaihis-salâm’ came, his religion abrogated that of Mûsâ ‘’alaihis-salâm’; that is, the Torah became invalid. So it was no longer permissible to follow Mûsâ’s ‘’alaihis-salâm’ religion. From then on it was necessary to follow ’Îsâ’s ‘’alaihis-salâm’ religion until Muhammad’s ‘’alaihis-salâm’ dispensation. However, the majority of Benî Isrâ’îl did not believe ’Îsâ ‘’alaihis-salâm’ and persisted in following the Torah. Thus Jews and Nasârâ separated. People who believed ’Îsâ ‘’alaihis-salâm’ were called Nasârâ, who are today’s Christians. People who denied ’Îsâ ‘’alaihis-salâm’ and remained in disbelief and heresy were called Yahûd (Jews). Jews still claim that they follow Mûsâ’s ‘’alaihis-salâm’ religion and read the Torah and the Zabûr; the Nasârâ claim that they follow ’Îsâ’s ‘’alaihis-salâm’ religion and read the Injîl. However, our master, Muhammad ‘’alaihis-salât-u-wa-s-salâm’, the master of both worlds and the Prophet of all human beings and genies, was sent as the Prophet for all ’âlams (worlds of beings), and his religion, Islam, invalidated all previous religions. Since this religion will remain valid till the end of the world, it is not permissible in any part of the world to be in any religion other than his religion. No Prophet will succeed him. We are, thanks to Allâhu ta’âlâ, his Umma.