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Hadrat Alî ‘karram-Allâhu wajhah’ says that if you see a person who does not believe in rising after death, tell him: “I believe in rising after death. If what you say comes true, I will not be losing anything but since what I say will come true you will be burning in Hell fire eternally!” Most of the scientists, government officials, university professors and military commanders living in Europe and America believe in the Hereafter and rising after death and go to churches for worship. Jews, Brahmins, Buddhists, fire worshippers, idol-worshippers, civilized people and uncivilized people are all believers (in life after death). The few unbelievers are the mendacious, cruel and unruly dictators presiding over the surviving communistic regimes and the mercenaries around them or abroad. Could we ever hazard that a couple of ignorant idiots who barter illiberal enmity against religions for an easy livelihood or a few evanescent moments of pleasure might have been following a more logical line of conduct than the remaining ninety percent of the world’s population? After death an atheist will be annihilated according to his own view and eternally punished in Hell according to the believer. As for the believer; he also will be annihilated in the atheist’s view, whereas he himself believes that he will lead an eternal life of pleasure and enjoyment. Which one of these two opposites would a wise and learned person choose? The second one, definitely, would he not? The tremendous order in this worldly life and in the material world announces the existence of Allâhu ta’âlâ to owners of wisdom. And Allâhu ta’âlâ announces the existence of the world to come. Then, a person with common sense and knowledge must believe in the existence and unity of Allâhu ta’âlâ. It would be idiocy and ignorance to deny. To believe in Allâhu ta’âlâ is to believe in His Attributes of Ulûhiyyat (Deity), i.e. His Attributes termed Sifât-i-dâtiyya and Sifât-i-thubûtiyya, to believe the facts He has announced, and to adapt oneself to His Sharî’at. A person who adapts himself to the Sharî’at will lead a peaceful and happy life in this world as well. He will be kind to everybody.]