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1– Generosity (karam): It is to enjoy doing things that are useful to others and extricating others from financial straits. 

2– Îsâr, which means abnegation, i.e. giving others things which you want for yourself. It requires patience and therefore is one of the most valued of the virtues. It is praised in âyat-i kerîmas.

3– Forgiveness (’afw): Not to exact revenge on your adversary or on someone who has harmed you, although you could if you meant to do so. A reaction even better than forgiveness would be kindness in return for malice.


Against malevolence revenge is quite easy.
Kindness for rancour is altruistic and manly!

4– Generosity (muruwwat): It is to be fond of helping others and giving things to those who are in need.

5– Loyalty (wafâ): To help friends and acquaintances with their livelihood. 

6– Charity (muwâsât): Sharing one’s possessions with friends and acquaintances. Getting along well with them. 

7– Extreme generosity (samâhat): It is to give lovingly things that are not necessary (wâjib) to give. 

8– Forgiveness (musâmaha): Abdicating your rights so that others may benefit from them, although you do not have to do so, and overlooking others’ faults.