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Using ornaments for ostentation, making a show or being superior to others is called boasting (tafâhur). It is obligatory to work for obtaining the necessary amounts to meet the “darûrat,” and “nafaqa.” It is sunnat to work for obtaining the things that are in excess of “nafaqa” but still necessary, e.g., obtaining money to pay for the medicine or doctor fees. It is permissible to obtain ornaments (zînat). Boasting is a grave sin.]

8– Dignity (waqar): It is to act with gravity, calmness and not to act with rashness while trying to obtain necessities (ihtiyâj) and other valuables. It means dignified behaviour. It does not mean to act so slowly as to miss opportunities or to act in such a way that others will seize one’s benefits or opportunities.

9– Piety (wara’): It is to abstain from committing prohibited actions as well as abstaining from things that are doubtful, i.e. things that could be harâm. It is also doing good deeds and other actions which are useful to others. It is to avoid inadequate and negligent attitude. 

10– Orderliness (intizam): It is to do one’s work in an order or discipline or method.

11– Freedom (hurriyyat): It is to earn money by permissible means and to spend for good causes. It is to observe others’ rights. Freedom does not mean to do whatever one wishes or wants. 

12– Munificence (sekhâwat): It is to derive pleasure from spending money for good causes. It is to spend lovingly for the causes which Islam dictates. Munificence means to be generous. It is one of the best virtues, and is commended in âyat-i-kerîmas and hadîth-i-sherîfs. Munificence gives birth to many virtues. Eight of them are widely known.