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2– Quick-wittedness (sur’at-i-fehm, which is also called sur’ati-intiqâl): Quickness in thinking and promptness in action in an emergency, in response to a challenge in a conversation or debate. This faculty helps to understand how to respond in the best and quickest manner whenever the situation requires. When the person endowed with this faculty hears something, he quickly grasps its opposite also. Intelligence is related to thinking and scrutiny. It examines known matter minutely and derives some unknown results from it. Quick wittedness refers to things other than thinking and scrutiny, e.g., quickness of grasping relativity of things to the situation at hand.

3– Clariy of mind (safâ-adh-dhihn): Quick comprehension of desired results and obtaining them.

4– Ease of learning (suhûlat al-ta’allum): Determined concentration of thought despite distractions.

5– Observing limits (husn al-ta’aqqul): Staying within the bounds and limits while learning necessary things; not overdoing things. The person gifted with this faculty will not leave out necessary things, will not occupy himself with unnecessary things, either, nor will he squander his time. 

6– Retention (tahaffuz): Not forgetting things. The soul does not forget things it comprehends and understands.

7– Recall (tadhakkur): Volitional ability to remember things stored in memory.