Untitled Document


“Ottomans in conquered lands, without regard to nationality or religion, are testing the intelligence of the chosen children and selecting those possessing high IQs and educating them at schools [madrasas] in accordance with the Islamic ethics. They are further selecting the brightest among the students of these schools [madrasas] and educating them in the highest sciences and arts of their times at the “ANDARUN” college, which is a special school at the residence of the sultan. Military leaders are all graduates of this special school and all possess high intelligence. Those bright and successful prime-ministers, Sokullus and Koprulus have been educated in this manner. The only way to stop the advancement of the Ottoman armies and to save Christianity is to undermine and degenerate the quality of education at these special schools by working secretly behind the scenes.” After this letter the British established a new Ministry of State for the Colonial Department. The spies which were trained in this department and Christian missionaries and freemasons concentrated their efforts to suborn some personnel by lies, deceit, and promises of a prosperous life in the Ottoman State. They used their influences on higher authorities so that these mercenaries be appointed to effective and key administrative positions. Through these wretched puppets they tried to abolish and remove some of the most critical and important courses like sciences, ethics and advanced religious knowledge in these schools so that the graduates of these schools would lack the necessary knowledge to manage government administration successfully. They accomplished their purpose after the political reforms effected in 1839. As a result, the Islamic state was destroyed and the lights of happiness and peace radiated by Islam were extinguished.