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Al-hamdu li’llâh (Infinite thanks be to Allâhu ta’âlâ)! If any person thanks anybody in any manner for anything at any place at any time, this thanking will have been done for Allâhu ta’âlâ, for always He is the One who creates, trains and grows everything, who has every favour done and who sends every goodness. He alone is the possessor of strength and power. Unless He reminds, nobody wills or desires to do goodness or evil. After man’s willing (proposing), unless He wills (disposes) and gives strength and opportunity, nobody can do a bit of favour or evil to anybody. Everything which man wants happens when He also wills, decrees it. Only what He decrees happens. He reminds us of doing good or evil through various means. He neither wills nor creates evil when His human servants, whom He pities, wish to do it. He wills and creates when they wish goodness. Always goodness arises from such people. Also, He wills to create the evil wishes of His enemies with whom He is angry. Since these evil people do not wish to do goodness, only evil arise from them. This means to say that all men are tools, means. They are like the pen in a writer’s hand. Only, with their irâdat juz’iyya (partial free will) that has been endowed on them, those who want goodness to be created will receive thawâb (reward). The ones who want evil to be created will gain sins. Therefore, we should always want Him to create goodness. We should learn what is beneficial.