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The actions that Rasûlullah (sall Allahu ’alaihi wa sallam) did or abstained from are of two types. The first type of actions is the ones which he did or did not do as forms of worship. Every Muslim has to adapt himself to these performances and avoidances. Actions which do not conform with them are bid’âts.

The second ones are the actions done as customs by the people of the cities and the countries in which he lived. He who dislikes them and says that they are unpleasant becomes a disbeliever. But it is not obligatory to do them. An action not conforming with them is not a bid’ât. Doing or not doing them depends on the customs of one’s country and nation. They are categorized as mubâh. They do not have anything to do with the religion. Each country has different customs. In fact, customs of a country may change in the course of time.


Our blessed Prophet ‘’alaihis-salâm’ stated: “If a person says the Salawât-i-sherîfa a hundred times daily and in the meantime thinks over the meaning it bears, on the Rising Day that person will be protected against the heat of the sun and will be with me in the shade of the ’Arsh. And if a person says the Salawât for me once, angels of Rahma will pray for the forgiveness of that person’s sins and say istighfâr on behalf of that person.”

Say the Salawât-i-sherîfa very often for the Messenger of Allah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’! For, a hadîth-i-sherîf reads: “Shame on people who do not say the Salawât-i-sherîfa for me when my name is mentioned in their presence.”