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As you drink water, do not drink it in one gulp! Sip it in three separate quenchers. Do not drink water as you perspire; do not drink it in the thick of sleep; and do not drink too much water! All three are harmful to your body. When drinking water is needed during a social event, begin with the right hand side, offering water to the thirsty people in a ‘from right to left’ order! Our blessed Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ stated: “When you are to drink water, do not drink it standing! It is harmful to your body. Only, water remaining from an ablution and the zemzem-i-sherîf can be drunk standing.”

Do not jostle other people as you walk around in a bazaar! Do not blow your nose in the street, and do not mock at anybody! Do not eat walking or with your face towards others! Do not fight anybody, and do not argue with people, friend and foe alike! If they want to return something you have sold out, do not turn them down! Do not tell a lie! Do not consume something that is harâm (or something obtained in a way that is harâm). Do not attempt to cheat anyone!

Our Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ stated: “When a person enters a market place, he should say this prayer: ‘Lâ ilâha il-l-Allâhu wahdehû lâ sherîka leh, lehul mulku wa lehul hamdu yuhyî wa yumît wa Huwa hayyun lâ yemûtu biyadih-il-khayr wa Huwa ’alâ kulli shey’in qadîr.’ A thousand of his sins will be forgiven."