Patience means not to complain about cares and sorrows. The following three kinds of patience will earn you great blessings:
1– Patience at times of disasters whatsoever yields three hundred thawâbs. It will not detract from the thawâb earned for patience about a problem to try to find a solution to the problem, e.g. to pray.
2– Patience shown when learning Islamic lessons and performing acts of worship yields six hundred grades in Paradise.
3– Patience shown in avoiding sins.
There are seven hundred grades to be attained owing to patience in resisting against the desires of the nafs. As for patience at times of disasters; there is a high grade and a thawâb for each and every breath taken (at one of such times). Losses of property and/or children are great disasters, and Allâhu ta’âlâ states that He would be ashamed to call the people who are patient at those times to account (on the day of Judgment).