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According to the Hanafî Madhhab there are three fards in a ghushl:

1 - To wash the entire mouth very well. Drinking a mouthful of water will do, yet some (savants) said that it would be makrûh.

2 - To wash the nostrils. A ghusl will not be accepted if one does not wash under any dried mucus in the nostrils or under any chewed pieces of bread in the mouth. According to the Hanbalî Madhhab madmada and istinshâq are fard both in ablution and in ghusl.

3 - To wash every part of the body. It is fard to wash every spot on the body if there is no haraj (difficulty) in wetting it. It is not necessary but mustahab to rub the parts gently. Imâm-i Mâlik and Imâm-i Abû Yûsuf said that it is necessary. It is fard to wash inside the navel, the moustache, the eyebrows and the beard as well as the skin under them, the hair on the head and the vulva. It is not fard, but mustahab to wash the eyes, the closed ear ring holes and under the foreskin. When a woman washes the skin under her plaited hair it is not necessary to wash the plait. If the skin under the hair cannot be washed it becomes necessary to undo the plait. It is fard to wash all parts of the hair that is not plaited. If a person gets a haircut, it is not necessary to wash the hair cut [or other hairs or nails cut].