In the cities of Bukhara, Semerkand, Kakant, Kazan, Khiva, Ufa, Baku, Tashkent, Bakhchisarai, Derbent, Timirhan, Kashgar, Almasta, Tirmi, etc., which had been ornamented with monuments by the Turks after their embracing Islam and had been turned into masterpieces of the East by Islamic architecture, the communists seized all religious works, mainly copies of Qur’ân al-kerîm and books of Hadîth-i-sherîf, and shamelessly and mercilessly tore, trampled, and burned them in the streets. Also, after ordering the people to give the religious, national and historical books they had been keeping to the State, they confiscated these books and likewise destroyed them. Meanwhile, some Muslims ran the risk of life and, instead of giving their books to this murderous and villainous gang, buried them in chests. In the process of these events, thousands of religious people who would not hand over their books were martyred