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To explain the Existence and Oneness of Allâhu ta’âlâ and the way to believe in Prophets, Islamic scholars wrote many books in almost every language. Among the ones that have been written in a compendious, explicit and comprehensible style so as to remove doubts and misgivings, the Arabic book Ithbât an-nubuwwa is very useful. The great Islamic scholar al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî Ahmad al Fârûqî (quddisa sirruh) wrote this book when he was eighteen years old. It contains selections made by him and their explanations from the last part of the book Sharh-i Mawâqif. It was first published together with its Urdu translation in Pakistan. Al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî was born in the city of Sirhind, India, in 971 H. (Hijrî) (1564 A.D.) and passed away there in 1034 H. (1625 A.D.) 

We humbly pray so that all people, by avoiding the misleading effects of subversive and deceptive writings, will read this book with concern and common sense, and thereby attain comfort and peace in this world and eternal felicity in the Hereafter. 

In the text, the translated âyats of the Qur’ân al-kerîm are given as ma’âl sherîf (meanings concluded by Mufassirs), which may or may not be the same as what Allâhu ta’âlâ means in the âyat.