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First of all, a Muslim is clean physically and spiritually. But let us begin with physical cleanliness.

In several different places in the Qur’ân al-kerîm, Allâhu ta’âlâ declares: “I like those who are clean.” Muslims do not enter mosques or houses with their shoes on. Their carpets, their floors remain spotless and clean. Every Muslim has a bathroom in his house. Their bodies, underwear and food are always clean. In this way they do not spread microbes and disease. The Palace of Versailles, which the French boastfully announce to the world, does not have a bathroom.

In the Middle Ages when a Frenchman living in Paris got up in the morning, he used to urinate and defecate into a chamber pot. Since there was no toilet in his house, he would take that pot and a bottle used for drinking water to the river Seine. First he would take his drinking water from the river, and then pour the urine and the faeces into the river. These lines have been literally translated from a French book entitled “Drinking-Water” (L’Eau Potâble). A German priest who had come to Istanbul during the time of Sultan Sulayman the Lawgiver said the following in a book which he wrote sometime around 967 [1560]:

“I admire the cleandliness here. Everyone here washes themselves five times a day. All the shops are clean. There is no dirt on the streets. There are no stains on the clothes of the sellers. Also, there are buildings which contain hot water called “hammâms,” wherein people take a bath. In contrast, our people are dirty; they don’t know how to wash themselves.” It was centuries later before Europeans learned how to wash themselves.