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It is said in the book Targîbussalât: “In a hadîth-i sharîf it was declared: ‘If a person, without any excuse, performs a salât after its due time, he will be burned in Hell for as long as eighty huqba. One huqba is eighty years. One year in the Hereafter is three hundred and sixty days. One day is as long as eighty years of this world. ’ As the amount of time necessary for one to perform one’s omitted prayers of namâz elapses, the sin of that one namâz gets bigger and bigger. Well then, if there are two or more omitted namâz, it will be all the more difficult. Omitted salâts, no matter what their costs, must be performed as soon as possible, and one must invoke and feel repentance so much so that one will be forgiven. He who does not perform namâz should tremble and melt after seeing the greatness of Allahu ta’âlâ.


Murshid-i kâmil is an ‘Islamic Scholar’ who has received fayz from the Murshid-i-kâmil preceding him and thus attained the competence of giving fayz. When he attains this competence, he receives a written warrant from his Murshid certifying that he has the qualifications. A succession of Murshids receiving fayz from one another is like the links of a chain that can be traced back to the time of Rasûlullah (sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wasallam). In other words, a Murshid-i-kâmil receives the ‘fayz’s, ‘hâl’s and ‘barakats’ coming from Rasûlullah through a chain of Murshids that flow into his heart; he then pours them into others’ hearts.

One thousand years after Rasûlullah’s Hijra (Hegira, Migration to Medina) an era termed Âkhirzamân (the latest time) began, and the signs prognosticating the end of the world began to increase in number. During this latest time period, Allâhu ta’âlâ will manifest His Attributes of Qahr (Wrath) and Jelâl (Vehemence), and mischief and afflictions will be on the increase. Religious teachings will be defiled, scholars of the Ahl as-sunna and Murshid-i-kâmils will be on the decrease.