From morning prayer on the ’Arafa day, that is, the day preceding the ’Eid of Qurbân, until after late afternoon prayer on the fourth day, which amounts to twenty three prayers of namâz in all; it is wâjib for everyone, men and women alike, for hadjis and for those who are not making the hajj, for those who are performing namâz in jamâ’at and for those who are performing it alone to say the Takbîr-i teshrîq once immediately after making the salâm in any namâz that is fard (or when making qadâ of any fard namâz for the days of this Eid). It is not said after the namâz of janâza. It is not necessary to say it after leaving the mosque or if you have spoken (after the namâz).
If a Muslim fasts on Tarwiya Day and does not say anything sinful, Allâhu ta’âlâ will put him into Paradise certainly. [Tarwiya is the eighth of Dhu’l-hijja, previous to the ’Arafa Day]. Respect the ’Arafa Day! For, the ’Arafa is a day esteemed by Allâhu ta’âlâ. Those who worship on the ’Arafa Night will be set free from Hell. Two years’ sins of Muslims who fast on the ’Arafa Day will be forgiven. The past one year’s sins and the next one year’s sins. [’Arafa is the ninth day of Dhu’l-hijja, other days are not called ’Arafa.] He who says the Ikhlâs a thousand times on the ’Arafa Day will be forgiven all his sins and his every prayer will be accepted. He must say all of them with the Basmala.