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First a knee-deep hole is dug. The sacrificial animal is blindfolded with a piece of cloth. It is made to lie on its left side with its face and throat towards the qibla. Its throat is brought near the hole. The ankles of its front legs are fastened together with one of its hind legs. The tekbîr of ’Iyd is said three times. Next the following words are said: “Bismillahi Allâhu akbar.” Then, if the animal is not a camel, its throat is cut at any place. While saying “Bismillahi,” the “h” must be articulated with due stress and aspiration. In this case it is not necessary to bear in mind that it is Allah’s name. If one does not pronounce the “h” clearly enough, one has to bear in mind that one is saying Allah’s name. If one does not do this either, the animal becomes as unclean as a carrion. It is not halâl to eat it. For this reason, we should not say, “Allah ta’âlâ,” but should accustom ourselves to articulating the “h” always clearly by saying, “Allâhu ta’âlâ. ”

The animal’s throat contains the oesophagus, called merî, the windpipe, called hulqûm, and the jugular veins, called awdaj, on both sides. Three of these four pipes must be cut at the same time. It is sunna for the person who jugulates the animal to face the qibla. It is makrûh to cut the whole neck before the animal begins to lose its living temperature, that is, before its struggle is over. It is harâm to cut the back of the neck only. Also, it is makrûh to cut off the animal’s head or to begin skinning it before its struggle is completely over and it is dead. It is mustahab that the act of jugulating be done by someone who knows how to do it. A woman as well is permitted to do it. If one does not know how to jugulate the animal, it is mustahab to have it jugulated by one’s deputy, also to be present at the place during the act, and to say the hundred and sixty-second âyat, (Inna salâtî), of An’âm sûra up to the part that reads, “lâ sharîka leh.”