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Advice of Scholars - KINDS OF HAJJ AND HADJIS


A person who performs the hajj is called a hadji. There are three kinds of hadjis:

  1. Mufrid hadji: a person who intends only for hajj when putting on the ihrâm. Inhabitants of Mekka can be mufrid hadji only.
  2. Qârîn hadji: a person who intends both for hajj and for umra. First he performs the tawâf and sâ’i for umra and then, without taking off his ihrâm and without cutting his hair, performs the tawâf and sâ’i again, this time for hajj on the days of hajj. There is more thawâb for the qirân hajj than for either of the other two kinds.
  3. Mutamatti’ hadji: he puts on the ihrâm to perform umra in the months of hajj, performs the tawâf and sâ’i for umra, cuts his hair, and takes off his ihrâm. He does not go back to his home town (or country) but, on the day of Terwiya, or earlier, in the same year, wears ihrâm for hajj, and performs the hajj like a mufrid hadji. Only, he performs the sâ’i after the tawâf, too. Thawâb for this tamattu’ hajj is more than that  of the ifrâd hajj (first kind). The months for hajj are Shawwâl and Zu’l-qa’da, plus the first ten days of Zu’l-hijja. It is wâjib for the qârin and mutamatti’ hadjis to perform the thanksgiving qurbân. If they do not, they will have to fast on the seventh, eighth and ninth days of Zu’l-hijja and also for seven more days after the ’Iyd (of qurbân). All these days add up to ten days. Meccans cannot be qârin or mutamatti’ hadji.