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48– Not to be close to young boys.

49– To perform the daily five namâzes in time and not to leave them to qadâ, (i.e. not to delay them until their prescribed times are over.)

50– Not to extort anyone’s property. [It is a human right to pay the money called mahr to your wife when you divorce her. Not to pay that right incurs a severe penalty in the world and bitter torment in the Hereafter. Of the human rights, the most important one is to do emr-i-ma’rûf to your relatives and to people under your command, (i.e. to teach them Islam,) and it incurs the severest torment (in the Hereafter) when neglected. Hence, a person who prevents them and all other Muslims from learning their religion and from practising their acts of worship by having recourse to persecution and stratagems is an unbeliever and an enemy of Islam. An example of this is bid’at holders’ and lâ-madhhabî people’s defiling the belief of Ahl assunnat and misguiding Muslims out of Islam and îmân by way of subversive speeches and pulications.]

51– Not to attribute partners to Allâhu ’adhîm-ush-shân.

52– To avoid fornication.

53– Not to consume wine and other alcoholic beverages.

54– Not to perjure yourself.