Every night in this month, thousands of Muslims who are to go to Hell are forgiven and emancipated. In this month the gates of Paradise are opened. The gates of Hell are closed. The satans are chained. The doors of Compassion are opened. May Allâhu ta’âlâ bless us all with the lot of worshipping Him in a manner worthy of His greatness and with being on the right way which He likes! Âmîn.
[Those who fast at places where it is difficult to fast and who do not break their fast as a result of believing the lies of the enemies of Islam will be given more thawâbs. The holy month of Ramadân is the chastity of the Islamic religion. He who does not fast in this month is not respectful to this month. He who has not respected this month has destroyed Islam’s chastity. Even a person who does not perform namâz should fast and avoid the harâms. Such people’s fasting is accepted and is a symptom of their îmân.]
Man is the highest of creatures,
He, again, is the one deprived of this fortune.
If he does not come to himself,
No one will emulate him in his misfortune.