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Hadrat Imâm-i-Rabbânî ’quddisa sirruh’ wrote in the forty-fifth letter of the first volume:

“The thawâb given for all nâfila worships, such as supererogatory namâz, dhikr, and alms that are performed during the month of Ramadân-i sherîf, is like that which is given for the fard worships performed during other months. One fard performed in this month is like seventy fard performed in other months. A person who serves (the meal called) iftâr to a fasting person will be forgiven his sins. He will be freed from Hell. Also, he will be given as many blessings as the fasting person is given, while the blessings of the fasting person will not decrease at all. Those commanders who provide facilities for people under their command will be forgiven their sins. They will be freed from Hell. During the month of Ramadân-i-sherîf Rasûlullah would manumit slaves and give whatever he was asked for. Those who perform worships and good deeds during this month are given the blessings for performing them all the year round. He who disrespects this month and commits sins in it spends the whole year committing sins. One must deem this month a good opportunity. One must perform as many worships as one can. One must perform the deeds that Allâhu ta’âlâ likes. One must take this month as an opportunity to earn the Hereafter. The Qur’ân was revealed during Ramadân. The night of Qadr is in this month. It is sunna to make the iftâr [to break fast] with dates in Ramadân-i-sherîf. Some important sunnats during Ramadân are to say the prayer (Dhehabazzama’ wabtelletil urûk wa thaba-tal-ajr inshâ-Allâhu ta’âlâ) when making the iftâr [as noted in the Shalbî annotation to Tabyîn], to perform the namâz of tarâwîh, and to read the entire Qur’ân.”