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And because the enemies of religion also understand this important point, freemasons and communists, the most dangerous sources of irreligiousness in our century, say, “Education of the youth is our main goal. We should train children so as to make them irreligious.” In order to annihilate Islam and to hinder the teaching and practising of Allah’s commands, freemasons say, “We should not tire the brains of the youngsters. They will learn religious knowledge themselves when they grow up.” And they add, “We all should do our best to spread the idea of freedom of belief all over the world and should establish the decisions we make in our lodges in every country. We should annihilate the brotherhood in Islam and establish the masonic brotherhood instead. Thus we will achieve our holy purpose, which consists of the eradication of religions.”

Therefore, Muslims should not fall for the tricks and lies of the enemies of the religion; they should not believe their flattering, deceitful, and sequinned flatteries. Muslims must do Amr-i ma’rûf and Nahy-i munkar to one another.