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Allahu ta’âlâ created Paradise and Hell and declared that He will fill both of them with people. For this reason, since Hadrat Âdam, who was the first man, the earth has always had on itself Believers and disbelievers, who have quarreled with each other. The irreligious have worshipped the things which they have invented, but the Believers have adapted themselves to the Prophets and books sent by Allahu ta’âlâ.

Contrary to what some historians suppose and what is seen in the motion pictures made up by the enemies of Islam, our ancient predecessors were not uncouth, wild and naked people lacking knowledge and science. Yes, among the ancient peoples there were those who lived ignorantly and simply, as they do today in the deserts of Asia and Africa. Even in the forests of America savage people live like those of the Bronze Age. But neither all of today’s people nor all of the earlier people can be said to be savages just for this reason.

Hadrat Âdam (’alaihis-salam) and those who followed him lived in cities. They knew how to read and write. They had such crafts as blacksmithing, making threads, weaving clothes, farming and making bread. Hadrat Âdam, whose age and height could not be known exactly, lived for a thousand years and became a prophet when he was five hundred years old according to a report. Allahu ta’âlâ sent him ten books.

Hadrat Jabrâil (’alaihis-salâm) came to him twelve times. In these books, the things to be believed in, dictionaries in different languages, performing salât one time a day. (A book by Ibni Âbidîn says this salât was the morning salât); to make a ghusl abdast; to fast; not to eat a carcass, blood, pork; many branches of crafts; knowledge of medicine, medicinal substances, arithmetics and geometry were included. They even minted gold money, operated mines and made tools.

The Qur’ân al-kerîm communicates clearly that Hadrat Noah’s ship moved with the force of the steam from its boiler that was heated by means of fire. Not based on any document or observation but for the sheer purpose of denying religions and belittling prophets, some historians say that the people of ancient civilizations were savages and that they did not know anything. In this way, they want to represent each of the Prophets, such as Âdam, Shist [Shît] and Idris (’alaihimussalâm) as if they were from a silly tale or a superstition, and thereby train Muslim children to be irreligious and devoid of îmân.