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Shaikh-ul-islâm Abdullah Ansârî relates: “One day Abû-l-Husayn bin Sem’ûn hurt my teacher Muhammad Husrî. Since that day I have never felt any sympathy for him. If a person hurts your master and you do not feel hurt, too, you are lower than a dog.” Allâhu ta’âlâ declares as follows in the Mumtahina sûra: “Ibrâhîm (Abraham) ‘alaihissalâm’ and his Sahâba (Companions) said to the polytheists: We are far from you and your idols. We do not believe you. There will be enmity between you and us until we see that you believe in Allah, who is one. That beautiful attitude of theirs should be an example for you (to follow).” Another âyat-i-kerîma, which comes later, purports: “Therein is a beautiful example for those who have belief in Allâhu ta’âlâ and in the Last Day.” As these âyat-i-kerîmas indicate, that enmity is essential for being a true Believer, and it annihilates one’s îmân (belief) to feel sympathy for enemies of Allâhu ta’âlâ. That means to say that antipathy should be felt towards the enemies of the beloved one. This subtle maxim, however, is what the Râfidîs delude themselves with. They say that “Loving Hadrat Alî necessitates animosity against the Ashâb-i-kirâm.” They do not seem to realize that the enmity stipulated should be against the enemies of the beloved one, not against the friends. People who had attained the honour of Rasûlullah’s sohbat loved one another very much. They were inimical not towards one another, but towards unbelievers. The twenty-ninth âyat-i-kerîma of the Fat-h sûra purports: “...; and those who are with him are strong against unbelievers, (but) compassionate against one another. ...” (48-29). This âyat-i-kerîma corroborates our argument.