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We shall quote a few of the sayings that emanated from Imâm-i- Ahmad Rabbânî’s ‘qaddas-Allâhu ta’âlâ sirrah-ul’azîz’ blessed heart and were expressed through his blessed pen’s tongue:

  • One morning I saw Imâm-i-a’zam ‘rahmatullâhi aleyh’ and his teacher and his disciples arriving. I found myself immersed in their haloes. I attained a special Fanâ in the nisbat of those great people. Likewise, at some other time Imâm-i-Shâfi’î ‘rahmatullâhi aleyh’ and his teacher and his disciples appeared. This time their haloes covered me all over. I attained Fanâ in their nisbat, too.
  • They bless only one out of thousands of people with the honour of Ikhlâs and the rank of Ridâ. This faqîr (hadrat Imâm-i-Ahmad Rabbânî means himself) was blessed with Ikhlâs and Ridâ, which are the ultimate goals, only after ten years’ progress in this way. As alms from our master the Prophet ‘sall- Allâhu alaihi wa sallam’, the essence, the inner nature (haqîqat) of these mysteries was entirely explained to me. May hamd-uthanâ (laud, praise and gratitude) be to Allâhu ta’âlâ for this blessing.
  • The way taken (and guided) by these superior people ‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ alaihim ajma’în’ is extremely valuable and very sacred. It has been based on the principle of adapting yourself to the Sunnat. Now I have no desire but to revive one of the Sunnats of Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu alaihi wa sallam’. Let those who aspire after hâls, mawâjids and zawks have them. The heart should be enriched with the nisbat [following the way] of our superiors and the zâhir (body, outward appearance, actions) should be decorated with (obeying) the Ahkâm-i-Islâmiyya. [Ahkâm-i-Islâmiyyâ means Islam’s commandments and prohibitions].
  • I saw the Sarwar-i-kâinât ‘sall-Allâhu alaihi wa sallam’. He wrote an ijâzat for me, saying, “I have not written an ijâzat like this for anyone after my As-hâb.” Then he gave me the good news: “On the rising day thousands of people will enter Paradise through your shafâ’at.” He made me a mujtahid in the ’Ilm-i-Kelâm.