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HADRAT ÂISHA ‘radiy-Allâhu anhâ’

In a hadîth-i-sherîf which exists in the books Bukhârî and Muslim, Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu alaihi wa sallam’ said to our mother Âisha ‘radiy-Allâhu anhâ’, “For three nights I saw you in my dreams. The angel showed me your picture drawn on white silk. He said: This is your wife. I do not forget the picture the angel showed me in my dream. It is you, exactly.” Our mother Âisha states, “Rasûlullah was performing tahajjud (after midnight) namâz and I was lying by his side. This honour was peculiar to me only. [She would boast with this honour.] As he prostrated, his blessed hands would touch my feet and I would pull my feet back.” One of the honours conferred on hadrat Âisha was that they (Rasûlullah and she) made ghusl together and used the same container. This shows the degree of love the Messenger of Allah had for hadrat Âisha. Rasûlullah did not receive Wahy in any of his wives’ beds except hadrat Âisha’s. And this shows the degree of value Allâhu ta’âlâ has attached to hadrat Âisha. Hadrat Umm-i-Salama said something about Âisha to the Messenger of Allah. He stated, “Do not hurt me through Âisha. I have received Wahy in her bed.” Upon this Umm-i-Salama, “I shall never hurt you again. I make tawba, o the Messenger of Allah.” One day he asked hadrat Fâtima, “Will you love someone whom I love?” When she said she would, the Messenger stated, “Then, love Âisha!” ‘radiy-Allâhu ta’âlâ anhumâ’.