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Human illnesses caused by genies are called magic=sorcery (or spell or incantation). Genies who are Muslims have no relations with humans. All they do is to worship contiuously. Scholars of Ahl as-Sunnat know them and make friends with them. They appear like Sâlih people. They make sohbats. They cause no harm to humans. Genies who are non-Muslims never leave you alone. Genies appear in any shape. They metamorphose also into insects or into microbes. They circulate in human veins. It is only the Believer’s heart where they cannot infiltrate. Genies who are non-Muslims appear as good people as well. They do all sorts of favour. They do good to people. When they make friends with non-Muslims and with fâsiq people, they never part from them. Like humans who are non-Muslims, whenever they do (someone) a favour, they cause disbelief and wrongdoing thereafter. When their human friend show them a certain person (or give them that person’s name), they cause illness on that person or cast a spell on them. To get over the illness the genie that has caused it will have to be killed or dismissed. Two most effective weapons to protect you against the harm of genies are the Kelima-i-temjîd and to prayer called Istighfâr. The Kelima-i-temjîd (or Kalima-i-tamjîd) is: “Lâ hawla wa lâ quwwata illâ billâh-il-’aliyy-il-’adhîm.” Imâm Rabbânî states in his hundred and seventy-fourth letter that saying this prayer will expel genies and remove a spell; there are hadîth-i-sherîfs stating this fact. (The aforesaid letter is appended to the current book.)
