Namâz is the mainmast of Islam. If a person performs his (Daily five prayers of) namâz, he will have erected the mainmast of his faith. Thereby he will have made a bower to shelter under.
If a person omits a single namâz wittingly and does not make qadâ of it, (i.e. if he does not perform it later, either,) in all three Madhhabs a fatwâ will be given that he is to be killed. According to the Hanafî Madhhab, it will not be necessary to kill him. However, he will have committed one of the grave sins termed ‘akbar-i-kebâir’. It will be necessary (to imprison him and) to keep him in prison until he begins to perform (his daily prayers of) namâz. A person who neglects namâz because he does not attribute due importance to namâz and because he does not believe the fact that namâz is (a Believer’s) primary duty, will become an unbeliever.
If a person omits any one (of the daily five prayers of) namâz wittingly and thereafter makes qadâ of it, (i.e. even if he pays his debt by performing it afterwards,) he shall be kept burning in Hell for a length of time called ‘huqba’, i.e. eighty years. To be absolved from that torment, he will have to make tawba and beg and supplicate for forgiveness.
(One day in the Hereafter is equal to a thousand worldly years. Years in the Hereafter should be reckoned accordingly.)