ABOUT the JANNÂT-I-ÂLIYYÂT (The Sublime Gardens of Paradise) (I)
There are eight gates and eight keys for the eight Gardens of Paradise. The first one is the îmân (belief) held by the Believers who perform (the daily five prayers called) namâz. The second one is the Basmala-i-sherîfa, (i.e. to say, “Bismillâh-ir-Rahmân-ir-Rahîm.”) The (next) six are within the (first Sûra of the Qur’ân alkerîm called) Fâtiha-i-sherîfa. The eight Jannats (Gardens of Paradise) are:
1– The Dâr-i-jelâl. 2– The Dâr-i-qarâr. 3– The Dâr-i-salâm. 4– The Jannat-ul-khuld. 5– The Jannat-ul-Me’wâ. 6– The Jannat-ul- ’adn. 7– The Jannat-ul-firdevs. 8– The Jannat-ul-na’îm.
1– The Dâr-i-jelâl is of white nûr.
2– The Dâr-i-qarâr is of red ruby.
3– The Dâr-i-salâm is of green chrysolite.
4– The Jannat-ul-khuld is of coral.
5– The Jannat-ul-Me’wâ is of silver.
6– The Jannat-ul-’adn (Eden) is of gold.
7– The Jannat-ul-firdevs is both of gold and of silver.
8– The Jannat-ul-na’îm is of red ruby.