“Hadrat Imâm Mâlik (rahimah-Allâhu ta’âlâ), while conversing with Abu Ja’far Mansûr, the ’Abbasîd Caliph, told him in Masjid an-Nabawî, ‘Oh Mansûr! We are in the Masjid as Sa’âda! Talk softly! Allâhu ta’âlâ reprimanded some people in his declaration in Sûrat al-Hujurât, “Make not thy voice higher than My Messenger’s!” And in the âyat al-karîma, “Those who talk in a soft voice in the Prophet’s presence...” He praised those who talk softly. Respecting Rasûlullâh after his death is like respecting him when he was alive.’ Mansûr, bowing his neck, said, ‘Oh Abâ ’Abd-Allâh! Shall I face the qibla or the Qabr as-Sa’âda?’ Hadrat Imâm Mâlik said, ‘Do not turn your face away from Rasûlullâh! That exalted Prophet (sall-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’alaihi wa sallam), the intercessor on the Day of Judgement, will intercede for you and for your father Âdam’s (’alaihi’s-salâm) salvation on the Day of Judgement. You should ask for his intercession facing the Qabr as-Sa’âda and attach yourself to Rasûlullâh’s blessed soul. The 64th âyat of the Sûrat an-Nisâ declared, “If they, after tyrannizing over their nafses, come to you and beg Allâhu ta’âlâ’s pardon, and if My Messenger prays for their forgiveness, they will certainly find Allâhu ta’âlâ as the acceptor of tawba and merciful.” This âyat promises that the tawba of those who make an intercessor of Rasûlullâh will be accepted.’ Thereupon, Mansûr stood up and in front of the Hujrat as-Sa’âda, ‘Oh my Rabb!’ he said, ‘Thou promised that Thou wilt accept the tawba of those who make Thy Messenger an intercessor! And I supplicate Thee for forgiveness in Thine Exalted Prophet’s high presence. Forgive me, too, as Thine servants whom Thou hast forgiven when they asked for forgiveness when he [the Prophet] was alive! Oh my Rabb! I beg Thee through Thine Exalted Prophet’s intercession who is the Nabî ar-Rahma (Prophet of Blessings). Oh Muhammad, the Highest of Prophets! I begged my Rabb through thine intercession. Oh Rabb! Make that Exalted Prophet an intercessor for me!’ While he prayed he stood in front of and faced the window of the Muwâjahat as-Sa’âda, the qibla being behind and the Minbar an-Nabawî on his left.