The following treatise has been translated from the book ‘Riyâd-un-nâsikhîn’:
‘Kesb’ means ‘to earn property by way of halâl.’ Acceptability of all acts of worship is (primarily) dependent on food that is (earned and consumed in a way that Islam ratifies and which therefore is termed) halâl. Ahmad bin Abdullah Isfahânî ‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaih’, (336 [948 A.D.] – 430 [1039],) a scholar in the Islamic science Hadîth, states as follows in his book entitled Hilya-t-ul-Awliyâ: “As is stated by a majority of our superiors, acts of worship consist of ten divisions, nine of which are based on earning by way of halâl. All those acts of worship that we know make up the remaining one division.” Then, Muslims should try to earn by way of halâl. They should avoid harâms and doubtful things. Abû Hurayra ‘radiy-Allâhu ’anh’ quotes from Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’: “Allâhu ta’âlâ is beautiful. He likes only those acts of worship that are performed beautifully. What He commanded His Prophets He commanded Believers as well, and declared: O My Prophets! Eat food that is halâl and perform sâlih (pious) and good deeds! He commanded Believers, too, and said: O ye who believe! Of the sustenance I have given you eat the ones that are halâl!” Rasûl ‘alaihis-salâm’ is quoted to have continued his hadîth-i-sherîf as follows: “Someone coming from a long way away, his appearance dishevelled, his clothes shabby, and his face covered with dust and dirt all over, is praying with his hands held towards the firmament, and entreating: ‘Yâ Rabbî (O my Allah)!’ However, what he eats is harâm, what he drinks is harâm, and all his nourishment is harâm. How could his prayers ever be accepted?” As is seen, the blessed Messenger stated that invocations of a person who eats food that is harâm will not be accepted. Therefore, a person who is not adequately knowledgeable about halâls, harâms, doubtful things, and concepts such as interest and usury, and who therefore is unable to differentiate between them, will fail to avoid the harâms, and consequently, the acts of worship he has performed will gain him naught.