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A story: Ferîdeddîn-i-Attâr narrates in his book Tedhkira-tul-Awliyâ: “Juneyd-i-Baghdâdî was seven years old, when one day he came back from school and saw his father weeping. When he asked the reason his father said, ‘Today I sent your uncle Sirrî Sakatî a few silver coins as my zakât, but he refused them. Now I am weeping because I realize that I have wasted my valuable life for these silver coins which men of Allah do not like but refuse.’ ‘Give the money to me, daddy, let me take it,’ said Juneyd, and went off to his (maternal) uncle’s place with the money. He knocked at the door and when his uncle asked who he was he said, ‘It’s me, Juneyd, uncle. Open the door and take these silver coins which are my father’s zakât!’ When his uncle said that he would not take them he said, ‘Take them for the sake of Allâhu ta’âlâ, who has done justice by commanding my father and been so kind by giving you freedom!’ And when his uncle wanted to know what Allâhu ta’âlâ had commanded his father and how He had been kind to him, Juneyd said, ‘He has done justice by making my father rich and by commanding him to pay zakât. And He has been so kind by making you poor and giving you a choice between accepting and refusing it.’ Sirrî liked his way with words and said, ‘Sonny! Before accepting the silver coins, I have accepted you.’ He opened the door and took the money.” Here we end our translation from Riyâd-un-nâsihîn.