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MIRACLES of MUHAMMAD ‘alaihis-salâm’

Utayba, a son of the Prophet’s uncle Abû Lahab, was at the same time the Prophet’s ‘alaihis-salâtu wassalâm’ son-in-law. That person not only persisted in his denial of the Messenger of Allah, but also caused bitter grief to that Sarwar (Master of Prophets, Best of Mankind) ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’. He divorced his wife Ummu Ghulthum, the Prophet’s blessed daughter. He even hurled some vulgar invectives at her. Deeply grieved, the Darling of Allâhu ta’âlâ supplicated, “Yâ Rabbî! Set one of Thine canines on him!” Before long, ’Utayba and his friends set out for a trade expedition to Damascus. Enroute, they made a halt for the night. They were sound asleep, when they had a silent intruder, a lion. The fierce animal smelled all the members of the group one by one. When it came to ’Utayba, it grabbed him and tore him to pieces.

There was a person who always ate with his left hand. When the Prophet said to him, “Eat with your right hand,” the unfortunate man had recourse to lying and said that his right hand would not move. “May your right hand never move again,” was the Prophet’s malediction. That person was never able to move his right hand towards his mouth till his death.