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Bâyazîd al-Bistâmî said, “Even if a person displays karâmât, such as walking on water, going to distant places in a moment and flying in the air, do not consider him to be a Walî unless he obeys Islam!” For obeying Islam, it is necessary to follow one of the four madhhabs. It has been declared by consensus that it is not permissible for non-mujtahids to follow as-Sahâbat al-kirâm. [Because, their madhhabs are not known.] Ijtihâd will be employable till the end of the world.

[However, few scholars fulfill the conditions for being able to employ ijtihâd. Further, there is no need for them to employ new ijtihâds. A solution for every matter that will arise till the end of the world exists in one of the four madhhabs.] The ’ibâda Allâhu ta’âlâ likes best is to do the fard. The valuable ones of the suppererogatory ’ibâdât are those that are done alongside the fards, which exist in them and which supplement them.

A poem:

Oh! The happy person who is learning knowledge!

Do not waste even one minute of your life!

Appreciate the value of this advice!

The sorry will be, the one who does not appreciate!