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He had put Abû Hureyra ‘radiy-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’anh’ in charge of the dates that had been (given by rich people as the zakât of their property and) brought to Medina. Abû Hureyra ‘radiy-Allâhu ’anh’ caught someone stealing dates. He told the man that he would take him to the Messenger of Allah. Yet when the man said that he was poor and had a crowded family to support, he succumbed to his beggings and set him free. The following day, the Messenger of Allah sent for Abû Hureyra and asked him, “What had the man that you caught last night done?” When Abû Hureyra related what had happened, the blessed Prophet said, “He deceived you. He will come back.” Indeed, the following night the man came again and was caught. He begged again, “For the sake of Allah, let me go,” and was let go again. The third night his begging was no good. So this time he had recourse to another method. “If you let me go I’ll teach you something which will be very useful to you,” he proposed. When Abû Hureyra accepted it, he said, “If you recite (the âyat of the Qur’ân al-kerîm termed) Âyat al-kursî before you go to bed every night, Allâhu ta’âlâ will protect you and Satan will never approach you,” and left. The next day, when Rasûlullah asked Abû Hureyra what had happened the previous night, he told him everything. Upon this the Messenger said, “He told the truth this time. However, He is an abject liar. Do you know who you have been talking with for three nights?” “No, I don’t.” “That person was Satan.