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The religion and science are two very necessary, very useful aids for men. Scientific knowledge prepares the means and causes that are necessary for peace, prosperity and civilization. The religion facilitates the usage of these means for peace, prosperity and civilization. Communists have founded giant industries, enormous factories, dazzling rockets, and satellites with the help of the scientific knowledge they stole from Germany and America. Yet, only science exists in them; there is no religious component. That is why they use scientific products to torture their people, to attack others, and to raise rebellions and revolutions in other parts of the world. They are turning every place into dungeons. Their advancement in science results not in civilization but in savagery. Peace, prosperity and human rights are violated. Millions of people are put into destitution for the sake of a minority’s pleasure. For this reason, we must endeavour to learn the real religion and to be true Muslims.

See what the Qur’ân al-kerîm says about true Muslims:

‘Know well! There is no fear for the friends of Allâhu ta’âlâ. They will not be troubled!’ (Sûra Yûnus, 62nd âyat)

Total Eclipse

Percentage of eclipsed part 102%

Beginning of eclipse


Beginning of full eclipse


Middle of full eclipse


End of full eclipse


End of eclipse (November 15)


Partial Eclipse: The Pacific Ocean, South America excluding its north, Antarctica, Southwest edge of Africa. Total Eclipse: South of the Pacific Ocean, Chili, Argentine, south of the Atlantic Ocean.