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The religion reformer’s greatest error is his confusing the breaking of Muslims into groups in i’tiqâd (belief) with the parting of Ahl as-Sunna into madhhabs. He speaks ill of the four madhhabs as he does of the groups of bid’a and blemishes Muslims as if they have dissented from the Book and the Sunna. All the seventy-two groups who have deviated in i’tiqâd are certainly heretical. It is stated in a hadîth sherîf that they will all go to Hell. Yet, if not hostility against Islam, what else may his attacking the four a’immat al-madhâhib of Ahl as-Sunna be, who were praised in the Hadîth ash-sherîf and who won Allâhu ta’âlâ’s Love and Approval because they obeyed Rasûlullah (’alaihi ’s-salâm)? Such an enemy of Islam who appears as a man of religious ranking is called a zindîq. Our religion declares that zindîqs and munâfiqs are worse and more harmful than the non-Muslims with or without a Book. The religion reformer does not feel shame for changing alImâm al-Ghazâlî’s words quoted in the previous article and adapting them to his personal point of view. Deeming himself an ’âlim and a mujtahid like Hadrat al-Imâm al-Ghazâlî, he attempts to direct Islam as he wishes. He is not aware that this stupid behaviour of his is worse than that of the seventy-two groups he blames.