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Yâ Rabbî (O my Allah)! I do regret, I am sorry for all the wrong, faulty beliefs I had from having been deceived by enemies of Islam and heretical people, and all the heretical, sinful things I have said, I have listened to, I have seen and I have committed since the beginning of my puberty until this moment. I am resolved, determined and resolute to not believe and act in that wrongful manner. The first Prophet is Âdam 'alaihis-salâm, the last Prophet is our Prophet, Hadrat Muhammad Mustafâ 'alaihissalâm. I believe in these two Prophets and all the Prophets who lived between them. All of them are true and truthful. What they communicated are true. Âmentu billah we bi-mâ jâe min indillah, alâ murâdillah, we âmentu bi-Resûlillah we bi-mâ jâe min indi Resûlillah alâ murâd-i Resûlillah, âmentu billâhi we Melâiketihi we kutubihi we Rusulihi welyewmil-âhiri we bilqaderi khayrihi we sherrihi minallâhi teâlâ wel-ba’su ba’delmewti haqqun eshhedu en lâ ilâhe illallah we eshhedu enne Muhammeden abduhu we resûluh.

Half Shaded Moon Eclipse

Percentage of eclipsed part 85%

Beginning of eclipse


Middle of eclipse


End of eclipse


The Moon will set while the eclipse I continuing at the very northwest of Europe, the Atlantic Ocean, and South America. Full eclipse will be observed at North America, Oceania, and Northwest Asia. The moon will rice eclipsed at Australia, Melanesia, Central and Northwest Asia.