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The Earth rotates about its axis from west to east. In other words, an overhead view of it, like that of a globe placed on a table (with the North Pole pointing upwards), would reveal that it rotated in a counterclockwise direction. This is called the true (direct, prograde) motion. The Sun and the fixed stars appear to make a revolution per day from east to west. This is called the retrograde motion. The time between two successive meridianal transits of a star at a certain location is defined as one sidereal day. One-twenty-fourth of this period is one sidereal hour. The time interval between two successive transits of the centre of the Sun across the meridian, that is, the time between successive instants of true zawâl is called one true solar day. Meanwhile, the Earth moves from west to east along the ecliptic and completes one revolution per year around the Sun. Due to this motion of the Earth, the Sun appears to move from west to east on the ecliptic plane, rotating about the ecliptical axis through the Earth’s centre perpendicular to the ecliptic plane. The average speed of this translational movement is about 30 kilometres per second, though it is not constant. Since the orbit of the Earth on the ecliptic plane is not circular but elliptical, the angles subtended by the arcs travelled in equal intervals are not equal. The smaller its distance to the Sun, the higher its speed.

Advice of Scholars - SUNNATS ARE OF TWO KINDS

It is written in Hadîqat-un-nadiyya, on the hundred and forty-first page: “Sunnats are of two kinds: sunnat-i hudâ and sunnat-i zawâid. Sunnat-i hudâ are like i’tikâf in a mosque, calling the azân or iqâmat, and performing salât in jamâ’at. They are the characteristic traits of Islam, properties peculiar to this Ummat. [It is written in Ibni Âbidîn, at the end of the last volume that circumcision of children is also a sunnat of this kind. ] If the inhabitants of a city abandon any one of these sunnats, they are to be fought against. The rawâtib, that is, the muakkad sunnats, of three of the fard five daily prayers are of this kind, too. Sunnat-i zawâid involve doing the customs which Rasûlullah, (sallallâhu ’alaihi wa sallam), habitually did in clothing, eating, drinking, sitting, housing, sleeping, walking, beginning the good deeds with the right-hand side, eating, and drinking with the right hand.”