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Iftâr: the act of breaking a fast. Fasting is done for thirty days in Ramadân. Iftâr is done when the sun sets. Please see the second chapter in the fifth fascicle of Endless Bliss.

Ikhlâs: quality and intention of doing everything for Allah’s sake.

Imâm: (pl. a’imma) 1- Profound savant, Imâm-al-Madhhab, leader, founder of a Madhhab; twelve a’imma (imâms), three male members of the Ahl-i bayt and their nine successors; Imâm-i a’zam (the greatest leader), title of Abû Hanîfa, leader of the Hanafî Madhhab. 2- Leader in public salât (namâz in jamâ’at).

Inâbat: to repent for having sinned. It has been used to mean to get attached and to adapt oneself to an Islamic savant.

Irâdat: to wish; to wish to get attached to an Islamic savant. 

Ism-i a’zam: a Name of Allahu ta’âlâ which He likes best among His Names which He has communicated. He will positively accept a prayer sent by mentioning this Name. We do not know this Name.

Istighfâr: prayer for repentance; prescribed prayer recited in order to entreat Allahu ta’âlâ for forgiveness.

The Sun is in Taurus

Today, April 19th. Since the Sun is in Taurus (Sevr) Constellation, the second month of spring begins. The Sun will be in this Constellation for 31 days and will be in Twins on 20th May. Today the six day-period Colds of Sitte-i Sawr, publicly called ‘colds of Taurus’ begins.